Environmental pollution is not a new phenomenon, but it is still the world’s most serious problem, as well as one of the primary causes of disease and mortality. Urbanization, industrialization, mining, etc. are all examples of human activities that contribute to global environmental degradation. Both developed and developing countries share this responsibility, Despite the fact that environmental pollution has received worldwide attention, the impact is still felt owing to its severe long-term implications.
The progressive weakening of the Earth’s ozone layer in the upper atmosphere caused by the discharge of chemical compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and other human activities is known as ozone depletion.

1) Air Pollution and Treatment</br></br><br />
2) Biotechnology and Environment</br></br><br />
3) Desalination</br></br><br />
4) Environmental Risk Management and Environmental Protection</br></br><br />
5) Environmental Sustainability and Development</br></br><br />
6) Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy</br></br><br />
7) Global Warming and Climate Change

1) Air Pollution and Treatment

2) Biotechnology and Environment

3) Desalination

4) Environmental Risk Management and Environmental Protection

5) Environmental Sustainability and Development

6) Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy

7) Global Warming and Climate Change

8) Groundwater Pollution</BR></BR><br />
9) Health and Environment</BR></BR><br />
10) Oil Spills</BR></BR><br />
11) Soil Pollution and Treatment</BR></BR><br />
12) Waste Management</BR></BR><br />
13) Wastewater Pollution and Treatment</BR></BR><br />
14) Risk Communication</BR></BR></BR></BR></BR></BR>

8) Groundwater Pollution

9) Health and Environment

10) Oil Spills

11) Soil Pollution and Treatment

12) Waste Management

13) Wastewater Pollution and Treatment

14) Risk Communication

15) Innovative Technologies Developed and Practiced to limit the impact of the Pandemic</br></br><br />
16) Impact of COVID-19 and other aspect of Health and Disease</br></br><br />
17) Ozone Layer Depletion and its Prevention</br></br><br />
18) Health effects of Ozone Depletion</br></br><br />
19) Biodiversity conservation</br></br><br />
20) Any other relevant topic related to main theme

15) Innovative Technologies Developed and Practiced to limit the impact of the Pandemic

16) Impact of COVID-19 and other aspect of Health and Disease

17) Ozone Layer Depletion and its Prevention

18) Health effects of Ozone Depletion

19) Biodiversity conservation

20) Any other relevant topic related to main theme


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